
How to Create a Daily Method of Operations

My business wasn’t growing the way I knew that it could so I had to make real changes. The main thing I noticed I needed to do was become consistent. It is something I battle everyday–it is a battle worth fighting! Consistency creates know, like, and trust for your target audience.

I realized if I want to help others, they need to trust me. I can’t create trust if I am unpredictable. To fix this I came up with my Daily Method of Operations (DMO). Yours may look different and that is fine as long as you know what you are trying to accomplish. ❤️

In my video, I share my DMOs. I also refer to them as non-negotiables.

My favorite DMO is personal growth! I love the dig–research. Here is the book I referenced: You Can Do Hard Things by SheriLynn Alcala. It is an excellent book. I think I finished it in a week. It is all the things we SHOULD be telling ourselves.

Do you have non-negotiables?


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