Honoring My Capacity and Avoiding Overwhelm

This year, 2020, I decided I was going to say ‘no’ more. I made the resolution if it isn’t a heck yes then it is a heck no. Yes, I am so serious. I found myself saying yes to things for other people–like the PTA, being a last minute baby-sitter, or taking on large projects. Knowing I really didn’t have the time to do it.
At the beginning of 2020, I was prepared to take my businesses to another level and I knew I wasn’t spending my time wisely. I was saying yes to too much. I noticed a huge difference in how much I was overwhelmed through out the year–even with the covid virus. I could see people all around me panicking because they had too much on their plates.
In September, I felt a little dread and it was because I had begun to add more to my plate than I had been used to. To be honest, when I said yes to the tasks they were mostly yes, but not heck yes. And I had gotten used to being home with not much to do. I didn’t realize the project would go into September, which meant back to school for my oldest and my husband, and I was beginning to be the only/main caregiver during the day for my toddler.
One day, I just had an epiphany. I felt like God was revealing to me my capacity in the most simple way–through my mini van. Kind of weird right? Don’t worry, I explain it in the video below.
It is inevitable when we start something new there is going to be a learning curve. As we learn something new we become strengthened in that area. Then, the tasks aren’t as hard and it becomes routine, lessening our load. Yes, it was tricky for a minute there, but we all were able to adapt and learn.
I have learned to take ONE thing on at a time and I am not one to pass on opportunity. So even if it is a heck yes, I have to say no to honor my time, my family, and my capacity. What is something that through you for a loop but got easier?