
Your Choice: Backhoe or Shovel

If I had to define what I do I think I would say that I am an online entrepreneur. I haven’t ever met someone in person who defines herself the same. I say online entrepreneur because I choose to create income through the internet.

I have always wanted to be a pioneer of sorts, because to me it means I have paved my way. But to be honest, I am following the foot steps of other online entrepreneurs before me. I am just kind of doing it on my own.

It was never really my intention to “go it alone”. The saying goes: to go fast go on your own, but to go far go together. In my video below, I talk about how I am researching and sharing my findings to help you grow your business. I use the analogy of a shovel and a backhoe. The question I pose is, “would you rather use a shovel or a backhoe to dig a pool?” I am offering to be your resource like a backhoe and dig for the information you may need to get your business to the next level.

We may not be in the same business together, but that doesn’t mean we can build our individual businesses together. I am excited to help you build your empire!

So what do you choose?


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