Best Crispy Shrimp Tacos Ever
Here are the quickest and easiest half-way homemade crispy shrimp tacos ever. Please enjoy and get back to me so I know if you liked them!
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Here are the quickest and easiest half-way homemade crispy shrimp tacos ever. Please enjoy and get back to me so I know if you liked them!
Today I am sharing one of my family’s favorite meals: Lazy Man Enchiladas, also known as Skillet Enchiladas. This meal can be done in 15 minutes–skillet to mouth! First, break up your ground meat into a skillet. I use a cast iron skillet, because I like the way it heats through (which makes the whole…
1: Cherrisse is in Chicago-“land”, not from ChicagoI am from a small town in Kentucky. My family has been stationed in Chicagoland for a couple of years now. We love it! I do miss Kentucky’s autumns though. Perfect weather and good football! 2: Loves origin storiesI love learning about people: how you met your spouse…
My newest obsession is my raised garden beds. I have built and filled three in the past month. (Here is my quick start gardening guide!) I “check” on them multiple times a day which is kind of silly because it can’t go anywhere, haha. One of the things I was most concerned about was how…
This year, I am upping all of my skills especially when it comes to creating income. One of the things I realize I need the most help in is storytelling. I also realized there aren’t a lot of (free) resources out there when it comes to the subject of storytelling to convert to create followers…
As a mom, I know that we can be hard to shop for on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is the day we get to celebrate our moms and hopefully being a mother, too. But finding the right gift to show appreciation and love can be tricky. This Mother’s Day to help us out, I have…
How do we know this is the “correct” Christ? Birth Hello again, darlings! Now we know Jesus is our Savior sent from God, let’s go back a beat and look at prophecy fulfilled. God used prophets to foretell the birth of Christ as many as 700 years ahead of time. People knew the Christ was…