Book Review: The Lazy Genius Way

Kendra Adachi’s book, The Lazy Genius Way she encourages us to embrace what matters and ditch what doesn’t. Every chapter she reminds us to:
1. decide once
2. ask the question- what would make this easier|
3. start small
If you have been following me of any amount of time you may have heard me say: if it isn’t a heck yes it is a heck no. This mantra is out of doing to much of what doesn’t matter. Adachi, shows us how very practical examples of how streamline and move to a space of declutter. Declutter as in clearing what doesn’t serve us. ( My favorite!)
In the video below, discuss how we can apply deciding once, asking what would make this easier, and how we can start small to our businesses.
How are you going to apply these three principles to your business? I can’t wait to see!