Who is Jesus? Day Six
Who is Jesus? Characteristics of Jesus
Faithful, Prayerful, Wise, Virtuous, Humble, Obedient, Charitable, Giving, Patient, Forgiving, Loving
Hi sweet friends! We have spent the last three sessions discovering Jesus is the Christ. Today, we will wrap up this study session, Who is Jesus? by exploring some of characteristics of Jesus. There many characteristics, but we will just look at a few. I think my most favorite characteristic of Jesus is that He is forgiving. Everyday I fail him, and He continues to forgive me and if you have never asked He has already forgiven you. When Jesus died on the cross our sins died with Him and we were forgiven. That brings us to another characteristic of Jesus, humble.
Jesus had a humble birth, born in a stable among animals then placed in a trough to rest. He continued to lead a humble life, his earthly father a carpenter and as an adult He was homeless. Jesus lived a life where he relied on the gifts of strangers. Jesus was constantly traveling and he spent his time teaching others about God. Then Jesus had the most humble of deaths by dying on the cross like a criminal.
Jesus is also prayerful. He spent many hours speaking to his Father. Right before he was taken to trial (before being hanged on the cross) he asked his disciples to keep look out so he could pray. Jesus tells us to pray and teaches us how to pray. He tells us that our prayers change us and we know from 1 John 5:-13-15 God can hear our prayers.
Although I could work on every characteristic to become more like Christ, I am not as faithful as I am called to be. Jesus makes things work out for the good of those who love Him, this is especially true in my own life. I have to fight my own doubts he will come through for me. Now, I can look back and see how certain events could have worked differently, and my life would be on a different path. And although I know and I have evidence to prove Jesus’ grace and love, I can sometimes doubt him. He has never shown me a reason to doubt Him. This doesn’t make following Him easy, walking in faith can be very difficult and typically it is because of my selfish desires. It is usually hardest when I am trying fit my wants for my life ahead (and without prayer) before His desires and His plans for my life. I have to continually look to the things above and rest in the trust I have in Him–in everything–because He cares for me.
Everything Jesus does is done in love for us. Praying for us, forgiving us, coming to earth to live, and dying on the cross–all things Jesus has freely done for us so we can join Him in Heaven!
Question: There are many, many characteristics of Jesus (Faithful, Prayerful, Wise, Virtuous, Humble, Obedient, Charitable, Giving, Patient, Forgiving, Loving) what do you count as your favorite? We are called to be like Christ and to follow him. Pray for Christ to lead you to the characteristic He wants you to work on. You will surely be blessed as you seek to be more like Jesus!
Reading: John 4