
Do This and Save Valuable Time EVERY Morning!

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I have two daughters and the three of us have three different hair types; 3A, 3B/3C,3C/4A. That means we all need different hair products for our curly heads of hair! This year after getting my big chop I started to dive into hair types, what healthy curly hair looks like, and what products are the best fit for each of us. Researching those three things caused our hair product count to skyrocket and I needed to learn how to organize hair products in an inexpensive way! I am so pleased with how our “hair product home” turned out I am sharing my best tips to help you organize your hair products, too.

The Goal: Organize Hair PRoductS And Streamline Morning Routine

My main goal when deciding how to organize hair products was to be able to have easy access when grabbing everything I needed at once, you know, depending on what I was preparing to do. I also had to make the best of a small space! So I put together “hair kits”. Every product and tool completely put together ready to grab before doing our hair!


For example: if I am going to brush my toddler’s hair, I need the detangler, brush, curl cream, and hair ties. I want to be able to pull everything out at once!

The Process

I had to get all of our hair products out of the large bin they were stored in. I was glad that we had a dedicated space but was disorganized and it overfull. All too often I would find what I needed behind the bin because the most used items would fall out after they were thrown on top of the heap.

Can you believe this is how we were living?!

I knew I was going to remove a shelf from our master bathroom closet so I could move a plastic three-drawer organizer into it. I also had a few storage trays I could utilize to get our hair products into one place.

A note: The three-drawer organizer I linked is a rolling cart. I didn’t attach the wheels, but you may want to depending on what works best for you. I know we all have different-sized spaces so we have to be creative when organizing our space.

No drill needed. You only have to unsnap the clips and raise the rack up and out of the holders.
I left the clips and brackets in place because it is less messy and is behind the three-drawer organizer.
Three drawer organizer filled and in place. The large bracket is hidden and out of the way of the functionality of the drawer.

Step one: Pull out all of your hair products. Throw away all of the products you no longer use and your empty containers.

Step two: Choose containers you plan to use for organization. Use what you have on hand as much as you can that way you won’t buy the same thing twice. Luckily, I had everything but the small baskets

Step three: Group your products by use/categories.

Take inventory of what you own

Pull out all of your hair products. Throw away all of the products you no longer use, check expiration dates, and your empty containers. It is also a great time to reorder/purchase beloved products.

Pull out all containers you plan to use for organization. You need different sizes for effective organization. It is a great way to repurpose some old shoe boxes or take a trip to the container store. How many you need will depend on if you are a product junkie or not. (I call myself minimalist but I don’t know if my husband would agree. ;))(I had everything but the small baskets:)

To make sure your hair products will fit measure or look up online, typically found in product description your largest products before purchasing anything because no one wants to return and repurchase AND we not only want it to be functional but we want it to be aesthetically pleasing too!

Group your products by use/categories. When grouping your hair products by categories you are essentially asking yourself what do I use and when do I use it. We are pretty minimal when

How to group your hair products

I believe this is the trick to EFFECTIVELY organizing your hair products. Group your hair products in the way or in the groups of use/categories. Ask the questions “what do I need to:

  • wash my hair?
  • style my child’s hair?
  • style my hair?
  • deep condition?

I find it ineffective to organize by type of product, (combs with only combs) because when it time to use the products, you have to take the time to one: remember what you need and two: sort through all of your products.

The result


The top drawer is for our everyday hair products. For my youngest: LOC hair spray, detangler brush, curl cream, comb, and hair ties. We use those little plastic bands and they are perfect for her type 3A-3B hair.–She is biracial: my husband is Honduran and I am black.

Beside her tray are my most used products. I use natural hair products for flat-twisting my hair. I am in a season of protective hairstyles because I recently had a big chop. Monday-Thursday, I am conditioning my 3C-4A hair. While Friday-Sunday, I am wearing flat-twists under a wig.

When flat twisting my hair, I have to do a lot of parting. I keep the clips in a small basket; so they aren’t messy in a larger basket. I absolutely encourage you to use smaller baskets inside of the larger ones.

Next to my hair tray, I have our frequently used but not daily hair products. Lastly, have a continuous spray bottle behind all the trays. It was a great idea to place it there because it keeps the trays in place! Not really visible is where I store bobby pins and hair accessories.


The second drawer was easy to put together. After all of the hair products and hair tools we used daily were put in place it was easy to put all of the “extra” secondary use products together.

On the left you see there is a large basket with two smaller ones inside, it keeps things from sliding around and it looks really good too! A small basket holds shower caps and deep conditioners together because I don’t typically use one without the other it is important to group like items together.

Next to that, you will see my hair washing basket, I wash my hair with the same products every time (co-wash, leave-in conditioner) to save counter space and keep the bathroom sink decluttered. I put them into a tray to move in and out of the drawer with ease.


The bottom drawer is the hair tools and the extra items drawer. It has extra shower caps, extra rubber band hair ties, hair beads, a hairdryer and attachments, curling iron, flat iron, and hair spray. It was the most simple way to put those extra and hefty items. I am considering getting another y-weave basket for the hairstyling tools just to make it more appealing to my eye. (I do know I am picky, ha.)


Can you believe the stuff large gray container I showed you at the top of the page took up most of the three drawer organizer?! Now you can see why I was desperate to figure out how to organize hair products for my family and my sanity, ha! The best part is the independence my toddler feels when she can find everything she needs for her hair in one place!

What steps are you going to take first to organize your hair products? I hope you will share with me your results by tagging me on Instagram! You can find me @CherrisseinChicago.

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