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Origin Story:

Doux Darling The Mama Rx

Origin Story

It was quite a long process coming up with a blog name. I wanted to name my blog Home Hacks but the name was already taken. Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx, said in my favorite podcast (How I Built This with Guy Raz) companies with names containing the hard K sound do better. For example: Nike, Kellogg, Exxon Mobil, just to name a few. I was in Thesaurus.com and Google for days. I couldn’t find anything I loved.

After a few days,  I decided to go a different direction and make it more personal. Which, thinking about it sounds silly, because a blog doesn’t get much more personal. My intent is to write about my life. So, I did a little more research. I began to look at some of my favorite bloggers and see what direction they went in. I observed most of them had named their blogs after themselves. I liked that idea but my name isn’t the easiest to read. Cherrisse Sabillon. The first name not so bad, but I had to get a couple lessons from my husband on how to pronounce Sabillon. (Sab-E-yawn) 😉

With the idea to name the blog after myself, I was still a little skeptical, so I brainstormed to think of words that describe me. All of the words were related to my husband or daughters. I began to spiral. Soon I was in full blown panic mode! I could only think about how I don’t have my own identity. I thought how could I let this happen?  I hadn’t realized I was one of “those people”. A person who is only identified as someone’s mom or someone’s wife. I had slid into the world of only being an accessory for someone else. I had heard of this happening to military spouses. We get so caught up in supporting our soldiers that we forget to cultivate our own lives. It is the same with moms. I thought I was doing everything “right”. I have my own friends, my own activities, all separate from my husband and children. Some how I had found myself without personal identity.

But then, a still small voice said, “Girl! You are the daughter of the one true King.” I felt myself unwind. The voice continued, “why can’t you be both of those things and more?” I think the most interesting people wear multiple hats. You see, I thought I was less than if I was only seen as a wife or mother. I have always wanted to be a wife and mother. God blessed me with these gifts. It is not a negative thing, it is an answered prayer!

After correcting my mindset, I went back to naming the blog after myself. I used trusty Google and searched the meaning of Cherrisse. I found that my name means: dear one or darling.  I tried “deardarling” but it was taken. Kind of bummed I did some more soul searching I decided on the word sweet. I like to think of myself as sweet. I found the french translation for sweet which is doux.  Why french? Because it is so oh, la la. HA. –but really that is why. With that Doux Darling was born.

I have had my blog for almost a year.  I have been writing and researching, but I hadn’t removed the “Coming Soon” from the home screen. I mislead myself with naming my blog something weird (not surprising). One of my first ideas for a blog name was The Mama Rx. I went away from the name because I thought I had to have a blog with my name on it (or something like it). I was never really in love with the name Doux Darling. Also, I hadn’t known the direction I truly wanted to go in. I didn’t want it to be a mommy blog with the focus on babies and children. Then it occurred to me recently I can have a mama blog focused on mamas–duh! I think I have always had a heart for mamas and this year it was really tested spiritually for me. To be very honest, I don’t think I did a good job of persevering in this season. I know better and I am going to try to do better!

Anyways–I felt a pull to go back to my original name idea. The Mama Rx: The Mama Recipe. (The Rx makes it a little weird–so it works.) I will share a lot of things: faith, fun things for mamas, and actual recipes. 🙂


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