Who is Jesus? Day Four
How do we know this is the “correct” Christ? Death
Hi again! (Are you a “hey”, “hi”, or “hello” person? I am a “hi” person.) I am thankful you are back again to explore Jesus with me! Last time we met we discussed the birth of Jesus. We know this Jesus was born fulfilling prophecies, but did he have a prophecy-fulfilling death? Let’s look.
Jesus died on the cross, in that time, a death on a cross was a death reserved for the lowest of the low. Death by the cross was meant to match the crime, to publicly show the world how awful a criminal truly is. For someone to be sentenced death on a cross was to make their last moments on earth some of public humiliation. A prime example was the robbers/murders on each side of Jesus.
The way the Christ died was prophesied. No broken bones and the cut on his side.
Jesus wasn’t a rich man and technically he was homeless. Jesus reminds a teacher of the law this fact in Matthew 8:20. So, when Jesus had passed away his body should have been placed in a community tomb. (The poor were laid to rest in a community tombs, because they couldn’t afford a tomb of their own.) But when Jesus died a man named Joseph (not his earthly father) asked if could take his body. Joseph generously laid the body of Christ in his never used before tomb. (Luke 23:50-54) This fulfilled the prophecy of Christ death. Isaiah 53:9, [h]e had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave.
Question: Jesus had a shameful death although he lived a blameless life. Do you have a great appreciation for what he did for you? Knowing the sacrifice he has made for you, how will you be intentional getting to know Him more?
Reading: Psalm 22:17-18, John 19:23, Numbers 9:12, John 19:31-37